The Fine Print


While we’ll serve you beautiful food and very comfortable accommodation, this trip shouldn’t be seen as a luxury adventure. 

The Lotuses look amazing – but they are drivers’ cars through and through. This means loud engines, plenty of rattles and suspension which will make any bones jar (whether you’re young or old). These cars don’t have Bluetooth, some don’t even have A/C!

If you are coming from a modern hot hatch or a late model luxury car and have never driven a Lotus, you will find the experience VERY different. Of course, we think it’s a good thing, it’s exactly what our trips are about – disconnecting from the office and everyday life. Regardless, we do need our guests to understand that our cars are true driving machines and may not be as comfy as your daily commuter car. 

You will need a manual car license (this is an absolute non-negotiable) and if you are shorter than 5’3 or taller than 6’3 you may really struggle driving the cars. By the end of the trip, we hope you have mastered a graceful entry and exit from the Lotuses, but prepare to look a little silly for quite a while when getting in and out.

If you have issues with your back or you are carrying a bit of excess weight this trip may not be for you. While we’d love to give everyone this classic experience, there is no point in joining a tour if you’ll be in either mental or physical pain throughout.

We welcome people of all ages but being in good health is extremely important for the trips to work.

In terms of driving, we always adhere to all roads rules and do not condone any speeding or dangerous driving. The routes are designed to allow spirited driving, all within completely legal speeds. In fact, it’s our philosophy that slowing down and experiencing the car, hearing the engine, listening to the suspension and tyres is a vital part of the journey – it’s the visceral experience missing from most modern cars

Anyone caught mistreating the cars or doing anything dangerous will be asked to leave, with their tour costs not refunded. 

Ready to drive?

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